Nathandars tale: “The Shroud of Nii’tcha the God Killer.”

Nii’tcha, who legend say was an ancient Netheril high wizard who was once betrayed by the gods.

The arrogance of Netheril grew to the point where they attempted to attain the divinity of magic and wound up destroying the Weave. In the resulting maelstrom, the Faerûnian pantheon was altered and most of the flying cities of Netheril came crashing to the earth. In that disaster Nii’tchas children were killed, and her husband Nathandar disappeared below the rubble, never to be seen again.

She secretly vowed to destroy those who wronged her so badly, and as Netheril was no more, she blamed the gods. Gradually, Nii’tcha developed her arcane power and techniques to a point where she developed the Shroud, an artefact that blinded a deity to the material world and cut them off from their followers. Without agency in the material world or support from followers, the gods power would wither away and die.

Nii’tcha succeeded in developing the weapon. However, she was not able to use it before she was attacked and killed by her husbands magic flames. He realized her insanity, and felt obliged to intervene.

Though the attempt on Nii’tcha’s life was successful, she foreseen such a reaction and made the Shroud in such a way that rendered it incredibly difficult to destroy. The followers of her husband tried in vain to destroy the artefact, but ultimately decided to seal it away under what was later known as Ice Spire Hold.

Eventually, it’s location became lost to even those who had vowed to keep safe.

But it has been found in the depths of oblivion by a young and ambitious warlord called Delsendra Amzarr. She used it to secure a pact with a demon of the underworld to secure her eternal life and win the Orc war. When her alliance found out about the treason, they attacked her in force trying to kill or at least lock her up. They managed only to steal the Shroud and they transported it to Mitril hall for safe keeping.

The dwarves tried some years back to transport the Shroud to new found Gauntlegrym, where the primordial would hopefully act as a source of destruction to the evil magic device. But the dwarves were deceived, and the artefact stolen by the Kraken society. Together with their hidden patreon, it has re-entered the realm of small folk, and has severed the bond between Giants and their patroen ultimately destroying the Ordering.

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